Monday 13 April 2009

Easter Reflections

This is a special time of year for Christians.

Christ has died
Christ is risen
Christ will come again.


We rejoice in the wonderful victory of the cross at Calvary. We exult in the power of Jesus' resurrection. We are rejoice in the hope of eternal life, life that has the quality of eternity and can be enjoyed in this life but it extends to the life to come.

Through the triumph of Calvary and the empty tomb, there is forgiveness, mercy, shalom and loving kindness beyond our expectations and understanding. God's shalom is greater than man's peace, prosperity and promise. The glorious Gospel message is greater than any political pact, presentation or policy. True hope is offered and no pious platitudes or empty promises. Politicians continue to fail us and demonstrate their greed and avarice. Jesus, our Saviour and Lord, leads us forward to grace and truth.

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