Wednesday 12 May 2021

The torture and murder of Mrs Caroline Anagnostopoulos is truly horrific, callously evil

Evil hearted murderers, a hooded gang of three vile villains, have tortured and brutally murdered a young mother of 20 years of age with a baby. The life of the baby was threatened repeatedly in order to extract cash and jewellery. These amoral thugs have the blood of an innocent mother on their souls, stains that will go deep into their devilish hearts.  A child will grow up without her mother and the father will never get over this dreadful crime.

It was all for £13k in cash and about £13k in jewellery. A little bit of money. So much suffering, pain and bloodshed for about a junior executive's annual salary. Lives ruined for such a relatively small sum. They will not be able to enjoy the fruits of their evil enterprise because they will be hunted down relentlessly by international police and others. There will be no peace for these wicked men. Their evil deeds will not go unpunished. 

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