Thursday 16 July 2020

Justice for the victims of the evil Epstein empire

The cause of the victims of the Epstein sex trafficking empire is gaining traction, support and social media activism. Many folk are demanding justice for these women wounded, damaged, hurt and harmed by mendacious and manipulative sexual predators. These victims have been ignored and badly treated for too long. Now the truth of their ordeals is coming to light. They are standing up and shedding light on the dark deeds of influential sex criminals in the face of harsh heat from legal advisers and spin swine.

These victims deserve justice and help. Some journalists, law enforcement officials and government agents should be ashamed of their cowardice and failure to act and aid these women when they asked for an honest and rigorous investigation into their allegations. Now it seems their cause and cries will be heard. May justice for them be seen, served and delivered.

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