Thursday 13 June 2013

Time for God in prayer

What is this life if full of care we have no time for God in prayer?

Today I watched some videos on YouTube by RT Kendall and listened to his thoughts on prayer.

  I have now ordered his book, Did You Think To Pray?  He is very challenging on the subject of prayer, and mentions how little contemporary church leaders pray ( just a few minutes each day according to a poll that he refers to).  He points out that great men of God were men of prayer, and asks, where are the Luthers and the Wesleys of today?  Luther spent more time in prayer when he was busy. It is a very interesting observation.

He makes the point that God loves our company, and that we spend time with those we love.  Time with God is always   rewarding. Wesley believed that God works in answer to pray.

None of us can pray perfectly, but the Spirit of God helps us in our weakness.  May He help us to pray and teach us to pray.

The challenge is: how much time should you really be spending in prayer each day?  May we get beyond the guilt and really start praying and spending time with God in prayer. Love and time are linked.

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