Monday, 10 October 2022

Repentance is essential for those in Christ Jesus

There is no true spirituality or true Christian faith without repentance. Repentance is essential if we wish to follow Christ Jesus and be in Christ, the way, the truth and the life.  

Repentance cannot be bypassed by warm experiences and happy feelings of religious joy, ecstasy or contentment.   Saying sorry and sad feelings are not enough. There are those in prison who are very sorry for their sins, selfishness and suffering inflicted on families, friends and even foes. But they have no intention of changing their lives or turning away from criminal activity. 

Repentance involves a commitment to renounce sin and turn away from it by God's grace. There is an acknowledgement of sin and evil, and a desire to keep away from wrong deeds which displease a holy and righteous God.  In the process of repentance there must be a heartfelt desire to reject sinful ways, the broad way that leads to destruction. 

Some churches and false teachers preach a message or promote a religion without judgement, a gentle Jesus meek, mild and inoffensive, woke morality, trendy religious  traditions, disciples with no concern about sin and repentance, and a Christ without a cross. 


  1. Pseudo Christianity or pop religion has faith without discipleship and a soft attitude to selfish, carnal , worldly living.
