Wednesday, 5 October 2022

Our politicians have caused much of this economic mess

 Our politicians have failed us. They are responsible or irresponsible for a  lot of this woeful omnishambles. Dangerous and dire decisions have really mucked up our finances and fuelled inflation with the pound sterling at a very low point against the US dollar.  Investors and the City saw the problems. Uncertainty and a lack of confidence in the Truss leadership are evident for all to see.  Some wish Truss to be trussed up and removed from Downing Street with her Chancellor, called the Chancer of the Exchequer. Dark days are ahead. Is a winter of discontent coming?  Liz Truss refers to a tempest but some  see an ice age with poverty, hardship, anxiety and bitterness in the bleak mid-winter. 


  1. Team Truss is a mess of muddled economic mayhem. They are like stupid incompetent sailors in a tempest, all at sea. They have put the ship in troubled waters, dangerous and disasterous channels.

  2. Lives will be lost at sea because the Truss administration cannot be trusted. People will end up on the rocks, thrown into toxic waters thanks to Team Truss.

  3. Thank goodness Truss has gone and her stupid economic policies. What has she learnt from her studies and advisers? It is hard to believe that Truss embraced such disastrous decisions.

  4. With Stella Braverman at the Home Office we can expect more failures and foul ups. There are too many poor performing politicians. The UK electorate deserves better and more morally upright MPs. Many are without integrity.
