Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Violence against women is worse than has been acknowledged

 The cases of violence against women are truly woeful and worrying. Women are dying far too frequently as a result of domestic violence and random unprovoked attacks.  The low numbers of rape convictions are unacceptable in the face of so much evidence and suffering by women. Our society has a major problem which has been neglected. Some folk do not wish to discuss it. It is regarded by some as an unsuitable subject to be discussed in a church context.  A very sad, misguided and erroneous attitude, because the church does have a role to play in supporting those who suffer such violence, who need help and justice. There are too many cases where justice has been denied. Our justice system has failed to understand what women have suffered and some of the circumstances of the assaults which have been ignored. Women are now fearful to walk along certain streets, in certain areas and along dark alleyways.

There are, and it is an inconvenient truth, men in our society who have a depraved and decadent view of women. Often we find that rapists and sex offenders have had an unhealthy addiction to pornography. This has given some of them false and dangerous attitudes to women as sex objects and playthings, even prey.

We need to educate our boys and young men in reasonable behaviour, internet etiquette and good sex manners. Sadly Christian morality is unpopular, and we are questioning the understanding of what Christian sexual morality means and involves. As a result we see more broken homes, more socially transmitted diseases and more crime and violence in our society. 

Thursday, 16 September 2021

Black Theology and Black Lives Matter: two sides of the same coin?

It has been said the black theology and black lives matter are two sides of the same coin. Well I have never seen that coin and find it hard to believe this statement. 

I can understand the value of black theology and its place in the church, in certain contexts and in the lives of black Christians. But the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement seems to be a quite different matter, particularly when it comes to its political agenda.  There have been at BLM rallies and demonstrations clear calls to defund the police. I have even seen graffiti promoting violence against the police in the USA.  

Thomas Sowell is highly critical of the BLM movement and those who are promoting and profiting from the race relations industry. I would recommend his books and YouTube videos on race, inequality and economics. He follows the facts and exposes those who seem to be inoculated against the facts and the evidence.  

Wednesday, 15 September 2021

A Bandit State in Afghanistan

 There is now a bandit state in Afghanistan. The country is run by brigands who have no ability to administer an ordered economy and civil society with an adequate health and welfare system. Health, hospitals will collapse without good nursing and educated professionals, men and women capable of providing the necessary skills, operations and procedures. The Taliban are not able to run a civil service, a well ordered ministerial government, a decent educational system, a diplomatic service and cabinet capable of maintaining cohesion.  

The country will not be able to feed, clothe and provide for its needs, especially with winter coming and the cash is not flowing thorough the economy. It will not generate the necessary wealth and meet the needs of the whole population.

Put bandits in charge and see what happens. Allow the heavily armed brigands to roam freely with their weapons and see what transpires.

It is no wonder that thousands are fleeing Afghanistan. Who wants to stay in this custodial country, this prison of a place, where women are treated so badly and human rights are not upheld?  Freedom does not exist there and democracy, an open society with a free press is not allowed.

Saturday, 11 September 2021

Prince Andrew is in trouble and the problems will increase

 The latest news in the Prince Andrew/Virginia Roberts Giuffre (VRG) affair is hitting the headlines and the drama is heating up. The Prince and his legal team are under great pressure, and in the court of public opinion there is call for the Prince to face reality and the consequences of his lies, loose living and lust for young girls. The people believe in the narrative and the accusations of Virginia Roberts Giuffre.  The public seem to be on her side and against the pampered Prince, known as the Duke of Porky Pies or Porkies, rather than the Duke of York. He is now the not so grand old Duke of York, but a man in disgrace and often hidden away on royal land.

Prince Andrew has been served legal papers which claim that there is case to answer for rape and sexual assault, Civil Action No. 21-cv-6702. It was legally filed in the US District Court for the Southern District of New York. The legal papers have evidently been accepted at Prince Andrew's home in Windsor. 

This case will not go away but there will be added traction with the Ghislaine Maxwell affair legal drama expected to play out in the next year. Prince Andrew was allegedly involved in the Epstein/Maxwell houses of sexual activity, places of ill repute and sex trafficking. He did not visit, it is claimed, those houses in the Epstein empire for tourism and hospitality, but sexual activity with young women, some say very young women. VRG gives a very interesting account of the Prince's activities on the so called Lolita Island, owned by Epstein.  Of course the Prince would deny any impropriety or misconduct. He claims that he had no recollection of meeting VRG.  Is that verging on the ridiculous?

We should feel so sorry for the dear old Queen, who must cringe when her Majesty sees today's papers. What shame Prince Andrew has brought on the royal family, the firm the Queen has done so much to protect, to promote and to pray for.

Thursday, 19 August 2021

Biden has blundered and bungled

President Biden will go down in history as a bungler and a blunderer. His exit strategy in Afghanistan is woefully inept and incompetent. To leave so many weapons in the hands of terrorists and Islamic gangsters will come back to bite him, the US and whole world. We are now in a dangerous situation. What an omni-shambles!

 Dangerous young men are roaming the land with weapons, and the warfare will continue in the wild lands, the tribal areas and in the cities. These terrorists will not willingly give up their arms, their power to kill, rape, deal in the opium trade, bully and oppress folk that do not share or embrace their brand of Islamism. Scores will be settled. Women and girls will be enslaved. Dark days are ahead: suffering under sharia and bloody jihad. There will be murder, mayhem, misery and misogyny, despite what the Taliban diplomats and spokesmen may say, promise or preach in the media. By their fruits you shall know them. They will reap a harvest of corruption.

President Joe Biden is the pathetic President of the USA. He has presided over a dreadful disaster which will have catastrophic consequences. JB does not yet seem fully aware of the extent of this mess, muddle and madness on his watch. He needs our prayers and miracles from on high. Taliban trials, troubles,  terrorism and tribulation look likely, and it is coming to pass under this Biden administration. 

Saturday, 14 August 2021

Ruining the Royal Family

 I note this morning that Dr Laura Clancy is the author of Running the Family Firm. Is it now time for a sequel RUINING THE FAMILY FIRM? Through all her trials, troubles and tribulations, Her Majesty, our Queen, who has upheld Christian values and virtues, has been surrounded by adulterers and fornicators. That is an undeniable fact. Sad but true. The Queen does not deserve the dodgy, dishonest pleasure loving parasites in the Firm. Some of them have clearly disgraced the Firm and brought shame rather than fame.  

In the court of public opinion Prince Andrew is seen as a liar, a criminal, a lover of money and pleasure, and an associate of very dodgy dealers involved in very dark deals. The Prince has had close fellowship with people of questionable integrity and low morals. His reputation may sink even lower in the light of further revelations and hard evidence. (What will Ghislaine Maxwell reveal in due course?)

 The Prince has no future in public life here and will not be returning to the USA, probably staying away for the rest of his life. He is expected to go into a self imposed exile among the Crown properties, perhaps a Crown dependency, or an island like Bermuda, where Edward, Duke of Windsor was in exile. The Duke of York is like his great uncle, a duke in great disgrace. 

Friday, 13 August 2021

Taliban Tribulation, a taste of the Apocalypse and Armageddon?

The advance of the Taliban throughout Afghanistan is striking fear and panic among areas of the population. This is not what some would call Islamophobia, an irrational fear of Islam or Islamic sharia law. It is fear of a frightening reality, a force that opposes the education of girls, forces young women into sex slavery and awful oppression if they are not following the correct and strict ways established by the Taliban clerics.  

Under the Taliban, music will be banned. Schools will be subject to strict Sunni theology endorsed by Taliban leaders. There will be no freedom of the press, as it is allowed in western democracies. In fact, the Taliban will bring about jihad and sharia law. This will lead to bloodshed, harsh punishments, death penalties, a prison state, a state of affairs arguably worse than the Handmaiden's Tale. The open society beloved by western democracies will not exist. Taliban tribulation will reveal its ugly head and for some it will be a taste of hell on earth: death, destruction and despair, days of darkness. 


Wednesday, 11 August 2021

The Dear Old Church of England declines and fails to keep its flock

So many churches, parish churches, are empty and are now in united benefices to help them to survive. It is a sorry sight. Many parish churches seem more like museums. There is a famine in the land, a famine of the word of God. The church often is more of a museum than a place of mission and  ministry of the Gospel. It preaches, in some parishes, a false gospel of sanctified good manners, anodyne beliefs, a god without wrath, people without sin, a kingdom without judgment and a Christless religion, religion without conviction, conversion and repentance. It is often impotent and sterile, without the means of reproduction, the ability to renew, replace and restore. It buries more than it baptises and confirms, in many parishes. It is a very sad state of affairs. 

Yes, there are pockets of hope, places where Alpha courses and good preaching bring folk to faith, repentance and regeneration. But this is rare and the CofE declines and decays around us. In some parishes it is a geriatric institution, withering away in a sad, sorry way.  

Saturday, 7 August 2021

Hats off to Hatun Tash, heroine and courageous Christian communicator

 The cowardly attack on Ms. Hatun Tash at Speakers' Corner in Hyde Park recently shows us how free speech is under threat and any criticism of Islam can bring violence and bloodshed. Ms Tash nearly lost her life when she was attacked, stabbed and abused by a man who took exception to her Gospel message.

The Metropolitan Police failed to protect her and have allowed violent men to abuse her. Her attacker, who clearly attempted to stab her to death, has not been caught yet, although the attack has been filmed, posted on YouTube and shown throughout the world.  Ms Tash had a providential escape from death!

Many are appalled that this slight and small woman has been so badly treated at a place where free speech, open discussion and honest debate flourished.

We live in dark days when an alleged religion of peace cannot be criticized in a public place dedicated to free speech.

Please see the YouTube videos to see the gravity of the situation.


Sunday, 1 August 2021

Mentioning sex offenders in high places and positions of responsibility

 I was truly shocked to read about Lord Devlin and the testimony of his daughter, Clare, whom he sexually abused. Patrick Devlin was one of the most celebrated judges in High Court.  He was apparently above reproach and very highly respected. Yet according to his daughter in a Special Report in The Observer, last Sunday 25.07.21, Sins of a father, Judge Devlin subjected Clare to sadistic sexual assaults during her childhood.  Her memories of such abuse were from the age of seven.  The psychological scars go deep. Clare is now 81 years of age and has finally revealed her suffering at the hands of a sex offender with such a high reputation. He will be now known as Devilish Devlin, dark lord of dastardly deeds.

Wednesday, 28 July 2021

The BBC documentary on Hillsong in the Storyville series

It was fascinating but uncomfortable viewing. It touched on the subject of child sex abuse and the devastating consequences of the distasteful crime. 

The documentary used the fly on the wall, cinema verite, technique with frank and penetrating interviews alongside footage of the phenomenal popularity of Hillsong services in enormous worship centres packed to capacity.  The growth of Hillsong and its popularity among young adults cannot be ignored. 

Having worked in the area of public protection and custody of sex offenders, and in prison ministry, I know how tragic and truly horrific these crimes can be.  The care of post custodial sex offenders raises many problems and painful decisions.  We need the vetting and safeguarding processes in our churches, youth organizations, workplaces and leisure clubs etc. 

 In the 20th century many sex crimes were not reported, recorded and recognised. Some have only come to light in recent years, because of fear, guilt, denial and disgust. During the wartime evacuation of children in 1939 onwards, children were put in perilous situations and sometimes people in positions of responsibility took advantage of these troubled times. Some children were too traumatised to complain and to tell what they had experienced.  In some cases the perpetrators were considered to be completely above reproach, like Pentecostal Pastor Houston in the Hillsong documentary.  

For some the effervescent Hillsong worship will be appealing and edifying, but others will find it shallow and ephemeral, without depth and substance.  I rejoice in seeing thousands singing praise to God. I also want to see serious measures taken when child abuse takes place.




Thursday, 22 July 2021

The Dear Old Diocese of Winchester Dispatches its Bishop

 For the first time in history a motion of no confidence against a senior bishop in the Church of England, the Right Reverend Timothy Dakin, had been levelled but withdrawn when the Bishop agreed to resign. He was clearly an unpopular church leader, as the motion was signed by more than a quarter of the diocesan synod. There were many voices calling for him to go, which seemed inevitable in the face of such strong opposition. Tim Dakin knew that his disputed decisions and style of ministry had caused division, sorrow and anger. The highly controversial Bob Key/Channel Islands affair was a nail in the coffin of his career at Winchester. A financial and staffing crisis followed, and dogged demands for Tim Dakin to go were forthcoming. 

Tim Dakin will lose his seat in the House of Lords, among the Lords Spiritual, as the bishopric comes with a peerage while in office. The Diocese of Winchester ranks highly in the dear old Church of England, being only one below the Sees of Canterbury and York. It is one of the oldest bishoprics in Western Christendom, dating back to 676 A.D.

Monday, 12 July 2021

Penalty Pain Again

Well, not so well, we blew it again on penalties. It was very painful to see three penalties missed. The first miss was the worst as it was off target. Woeful. The next two were down to some extent to good goal keeping by the Italian giant keeper, Donnarumma, who is a hero. So is Jordan Pickford, who was magnificent and did not deserve to lose a penalty shoot out. It is sad for Saka and Sancho. They were not ready for this occasion, boys out of their depth. After two misses, Saka looked so nervous, and deep down I knew he was going to fail. Sadly he did, but I blame Gareth Southgate for putting him in this painful position. (I understand that he has now taken responsibility for this gamble.) Three misses will be remembered and not forgotten; the forlorn three (Rashford, Sancho and Saka) will be forgiven but they will carry the pain all of their days.

Roberto Mancini was the master manager. Southgate is still learning his trade. Yes, he has done wonderfully well and deserves praise for England performances, but his selection of penalty takers was unwise. Mancini's decisions at half time were magnificent and Italy were the better team with England on the back foot and struggling to retain the ball. Look at the possession stats. Italy were putting England under pressure and causing problems. England failed in the second half to make much impression on the Italian goal. Kane had no service and dropped deep in a midfield overrun by Italian maestros. Chiesa was brilliant. When Jordan Henderson came on as a substitute I knew that England would not win. He was not up to the job, not at that stage of the game.

 Roberto Mancini is now a national hero and his record is impressive, excellent. He will go down as one of the great head coach/managers in Football History.

 It did not help England when the referee failed to look closely at the monitor to review the Jorginho tackle on Grealish. Jorginho should not have been allowed to play on. A red card, in the opinion of many commentators and a former referee, was justified. It was a very bad and reckless tackle. Somehow it was not given, even with state of the art technology. Italy were, when all is said and done, the better side on the day. Even at Wembley, home turf, England could not win. The trophy did not come home, but will now go to Rome. That hurts!

Thursday, 8 July 2021

The Dear Old Church of England

One of the former Archbishops of Canterbury once described the CofE as being like an elderly aunt at a family gathering, sitting in the corner and largely being ignored by other members and guests of the family, being treated with respect but really out of touch with what was going on. Another commentator on the CofE, who was in leadership, said that the CofE had been driving along but spending too much time looking through the rear view mirror. It was Stephen Fry who used the phrase "The Dear Old Church of England" in a debate on the Roman Catholic Church, not a force for good in the world. Fry spoke of the dear old Church of England as if it were a family pet or some benign old lady. I have visited quite few parish churches in the lovely Hampshire countryside and I am sad to report that some of them are like museums and historic places of interest. There is, in some cases, little evidence of vibrant spiritual life. In some parish churches there are few pew Bibles, sometimes no Bibles, a boring bookstall, no indication of a Sunday school or youth ministry, drab artwork and far more interest in the past than in the present. In some places the Spirit of the Lord has clearly departed. Ichabod?

Monday, 5 July 2021

MacArthur muddles along

Please correct me if I have misunderstood John MacArthur's teaching, but are we not to take the Scriptures literally when the text is clear and certain, as in the case of Romans 13:1?  Let every person (which includes John MacArthur) be subject to the authorities over him, for there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are ordained by God. That's clear and unambiguous. Yet, it seems to me, that JM is now opposing the Californian State on Covid-19 regulations. He is even getting involved in legal action. True? When it becomes apparent it is in direct opposition to sensible health and safety guidelines then there are problems with hermeneutics. There are other problems too. The legal costs, and the witness of his church, which seems to be ignoring medical opinion concerning the dangers of Covid-19 etc., will be remembered in church history.

Thursday, 1 July 2021

Farewell dear Joel Edwards, we'll meet again one day (Yom Yahweh)

I was, and still am, so sad to hear about Joel's death yesterday. We were undergraduates together. His room was next to mine in Aldis Hall, Northwood, when we were studying Theology, sitting at the feet of great scholars, great Evangelical scholars, men who wrote commentaries, learned journal articles, worthy tomes and best selling books, which were found on church bookstalls. Although we both grew up on the streets of North London, our backgrounds were so completely different. Joel had lived with his mother and sister in one room in a rented flat. I lived in the wealthy suburbs where N2 meets N10. My grandparents were very wealthy, owning property that would be worth loads of money today. My paternal grandfather had three music shops, the flagship was in Highgate, N6. My maternal grandmother owned a whole street in south London, coastal bungalows in Essex, some coastline near Barnstable that Billy Butlin wanted to buy, and acres of land in Northamptonshire with a small thatched cottage. Joel grew up in abject poverty, as his mother worked at cleaning jobs, which were badly paid, to feed the family. His local Pentecostal church fellowship provided financial support, so Joel could go to church in his Sunday best and was well dressed at school. Coming from Jamaica the Edwards family faced lots of racial abuse. It was not easy to be black, poor and living in a single parent family with little means of financial support for education etc. Getting into college would have been a considerable struggle for Joel. I praise God for what Joel achieved. He was a great Pentecostal preacher, anointed, gifted, humble of heart with a tremendous sense of humour. He was unique. It was a privilege to have known him.

Friday, 18 June 2021

Case Solved - the husband murdered Caroline!

 Caroline Crouch Anagnostopolos was murdered by her husband, known as Babis. He has confessed to the crime(s) and staged an elaborate cover up. It happened after an argument. Caroline had threatened to leave him and take their baby away. Babis even killed the family dog to make it look like a gangland attempt to break into the house, and then torture Caroline to find out where the money and valuables were kept. Babis played the victim who was tied up. He maintained, at first very convincingly, that Caroline was forced to reveal the location of the items while he was helpless to intervene. A pack of lies!

It is a Greek tragedy. The baby will now grow up without parents.

Thursday, 17 June 2021

China and Hong Kong are prison states and the people are in custody

 China is now a custodial country, a prison state which cannot tolerate a free press and true freedom.

The attack on and detention of journalists in Hong Kong shows, once again, the illiberal, repressive and anti-democratic ways and methods of the Communist Party.  

The Communist Party of China fails to understand the importance of a free press and the open and fair exchange of ideas.  The Communist Party (CP) breeds enemies of the open society and true democracy, which is established by the freedom of the press, civil liberties, freedom of religion and worship, independent education and freedom of travel, movement and intellectual enterprise.

Time and time again Communism restricts, represses and repels attempts to criticize and condemn injustice, corruption, mendacity and falsehood. Some CP officials seem to be inoculated against truth, clear facts and common sense.

It is a very bad move to attack the free press and hide behind national security and other means and methods of control. The CP want so much control that they are creating a prison state, a custodial country.

Thursday, 10 June 2021

Concerns about the Crouch-Anagnostopolous case

I expected that this murder case would have had suspects in custody by now.  It seems that the DNA evidence has not produced the results that many had hoped for. It was reported that Caroline, the murder victim, had fought the attacker(s) and had DNA under her fingernails. Perhaps the sample of DNA did not yield  a positive result or clear identification of the perpetrator. 

Some people knew about the cash and jewellery at the house, and they thought that this money was on the premises to pay for a land deal. Such information would be taken into account by the Greek Police, who would be considering persons of interest, those capable of this horrendous crime, with motive, means, opportunity, criminal connections, and methods of fencing the jewellery. 

This type of violent murder is rare in Greece. Let us hope that the perpetrators are caught soon and that justice is seen, served and delivered. Caroline's family are serving a life sentence of grief and painful memories.

Sunday, 6 June 2021

Iran again, where people live in pain

 It comes as no surprise to me to learn that in IRAN a human rights lawyer faces a brutal sentence of  over 38 years in prison and 148 lashes. Why? Nasrin Sotoudeh stood up for women's rights. According to Amnesty International her sentence is an injustice, an attack on her freedom of speech and her work to stand up for mistreated women. A punishment of 17 lashes by brutal male Iranian officers can be excruciatingly painful and humiliating for women. (Listen to the testimony of Ms Anni Cyrus on Youtube.) The prison conditions are dreadful through out the Middle East, particularly in IRAN which seems to be promoting Islamic Repression Administering Nastiness.  Nasrin is currently held in ? Prison, which has a notoriously hard and hard regime. It is a "dangerous, unhygienic and overcrowded prison".  The prospect of such a severe flogging in such a bad prison in such terrible circumstances is difficult to comprehend. Nasrin does not deserve to be in this situation. If the sentence is upheld Nasrin can look forward to being released at the age of 95, which is unlikely as she has poor health.

Anni Cyrus has mentioned on several occasions, from painful personal experience, that being a woman in Iran is not a pleasure at all.

Monday, 31 May 2021

Fascinated by Bergman?


Under construction. The hyperlink would be great.

I seem to have lost the hyperlink facility.

Thursday, 27 May 2021

The Georgian suspect in the Anagnostopoulos murder will be thoroughly interrogated

 A Georgian man has been arrested at the border attempting to leave Greece on a forged passport.  Three suspects are known to the police, two over 1.80m and a shorter fatter man who is said to be the ringleader of the criminal gang. 

The Greek police are confident that this gang will be brought to justice; these vile villains face a very bleak future as they have transgressed a criminal code and committed such a serious crime that there will be no sanctuary or safe haven for them. The reward for their capture and the anger that they have aroused will ensure that they will be pursued and sought by righteous bounty hunters and agents of the law. With the DNA evidence their days are numbered. I doubt if they will get home safely and live comfortably from their crimes.

Caroline's husband has given the Greek police a detailed description of the burglary, murder and mayhem. Babis, as he is known, will be able to identify them by what they said and other clues.  The Greek people are demanding justice and resolution. Such a wicked waste of a beautiful life for little money/valuables, and this investigation will cost millions of euros after trial, prosecution and eventual custody of the perpetrators. 

The suffering of the Anagnostopolous family is hard to imagine. Let's remember them in our prayers. 

May they find grace sufficient in their time of need, grief and sorrow.

Friday, 14 May 2021

DNA found after Caroline Anagnostopoulos nee Crouch fought for her life

 It has been reported that Caroline Anagnostopoulos, who was brutally tortured and murdered last Tuesday morning, netted DNA from an assailant.  The hunt is on and the Greek Police will be able to identify him.

It is now believed that the gangsters are known to the detectives investigating this case. 

 Even hardened assassins draw the line at harming babies and their mothers. ( I think about the code of the hitman in Leon.)  The reward for finding the gang of three attackers is far in excess of the value of their haul. They committed such monstrous, malicious mayhem for a relatively small amount of cash and jewellery. And they hanged the dog. ( I keep thinking about John Wick.)

To be prepared to carry out such a callous crime for about £30k is truly horrendous. It is hard to believe that they perpetrated sustained harm and fatal suffering, without mercy for the young 20 year old woman, and no compassion for her baby girl left crying for her murdered mother.

They should be brought face to face with the victim's family, to see the child Lydia, and be shamed before their own families and community. They are probably without remorse or regret. You need to be a rare type of person to be able to perpetrate such sadistic savagery.

May justice prevail. May these murderous thugs be caught soon, so that they will never do anything like this in the future. In prison they will be hated and perhaps harmed by criminals who detest this type of crime against women and children. 

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

The torture and murder of Mrs Caroline Anagnostopoulos is truly horrific, callously evil

Evil hearted murderers, a hooded gang of three vile villains, have tortured and brutally murdered a young mother of 20 years of age with a baby. The life of the baby was threatened repeatedly in order to extract cash and jewellery. These amoral thugs have the blood of an innocent mother on their souls, stains that will go deep into their devilish hearts.  A child will grow up without her mother and the father will never get over this dreadful crime.

It was all for £13k in cash and about £13k in jewellery. A little bit of money. So much suffering, pain and bloodshed for about a junior executive's annual salary. Lives ruined for such a relatively small sum. They will not be able to enjoy the fruits of their evil enterprise because they will be hunted down relentlessly by international police and others. There will be no peace for these wicked men. Their evil deeds will not go unpunished. 

Sunday, 9 May 2021

Red Letter Christianity at the Baptist Assembly 2021

 I note that the keynote speaker at this year's Baptist Assembly will be Shane Claiborne. Some may remember his early "circus theology" and his teaching on New Monasticism. Lately he has been strongly identified with Red Letter Christianity, and considered one of its main exponents alongside Tony Campolo and Jim Wallis plus other good ol' boys in the band.

Red Letter Christians (RLC) are keen on social action, environmental issues and ethical questions raised by 21st century Christians. They are particularly focused on the very words of Jesus in the Gospel, which are printed in red letters in some editions of the New Testament. 

There are serious concerns about the theology that has been taught by the RLC and in the books by Shane Claiborne. It has been argued that one of the significant dangers is in the way RLC seem to detach Jesus from his Jewish (Hebrew/Aramaic speaking) context. Some of the RLC arguments from silence on certain ethical issues, such as homosexuality, are seen as questionable and even misleading. 

Shane Claiborne strongly contends for Christian pacifism. He is against the death penalty, which is often carried out in the Bible belt states. It is used in many southern states, in Dixie where Shane hails from. Although he has worked for many years in South Philly, he has retained his southern accent and charm.

His Christian pacifism, although ardent, seems muddled and unrealistic in some of its devices, desires and designs. It raises many questions about the police, national defence, homeland security and counter terrorism, which are dealt with in a low resolution way. RLC make some important points on war and peace, but they seem to fail to provide solutions, policies, anti-terrorist protocols and adequate civil protection measures in an violent and dangerous world where malign military forces are at work.

I expect Shane to be challenging and engaging in his Baptist Assembly sermons and message. I wonder if Shane will be delivering some great googlies later this week. 

This year the Baptist Assembly (BUGB) will take place online from Thursday 13 May until Lord's Day 16 May 2021.  

Monday, 3 May 2021

Paivi Rasanen, the Finnish MP, has been persecuted and prosecuted for posting a tweet showing Romans 1:24-27

 It is sad, shameful and stupid to prosecute and persecute Paivi Rasanen for her tweet.  (This is reminiscent of the Israel Folau affair.) Paivi has refused to compromise and deny her Christian beliefs, holding to the historic mainstream position on homosexuality and understanding of Romans 1:24-27.

Woke and LGBTQ+ folk have opposed and objected to her views. They are entitled to do that, but some of them have tried to prevent her sharing her views and are, in fact, trying to stop her freedom of speech. They wish to persecute her and prosecute her for derogatory and discriminatory statements. They are claiming that Paivi is guilty of hate speech.

Paivi is ready to defend her rights and freedom of speech, and she wishes to stand by her deeply held Christian convictions. She is a Lutheran. Here she stands. She can do no other! Remember Luther's famous declaration.

Monday, 26 April 2021

Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe unlawfully detained in Iran

 The imprisonment, treatment and extended custodial sentencing should be condemned by the international community and all who believe in justice. The judicial system in the Islamic Republic of Iran is a disgrace. Human rights are clearly violated in a number of cases.  Let us be grateful for those who are working for justice, freedom and human rights in such a repressive country. The case of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe is an example of heartless oppression and cruelty. Her extended sentence and detention in Iran is a disgrace.

Friday, 23 April 2021

Revising my views on Trinity church, previously known as Peniel

Well, I thought it was bad at Peniel and during the dark days of Michael Reid Ministries, but I honestly believed that things had improved under the leadership of the Linnecars. Reading the report in detail by John Langlois and his team, and looking at the evidence afresh, I am shocked and saddened.  

I knew that there was suffering among the flock, but the extent of it beggars belief. Deep psychological damage and emotional scars that time will not heal completely, the loss of trust and faith touches me. It says in God's Word that we should weep with those who weep. Peniel should have been renamed Bochim or Bokim, the place of tears and weeping. And there have been many tears over the abuse, the shame and the shunning, the bullying, the manipulation, the exploitation, the harm and the hurt, the trials, troubles and tribulations, the strain and the stress. The unedifying evidence is there in the report, which in the face of sure and certain facts is undeniable. Sadly some of the perpetrators are in denial. They acted like hirelings and had the spirit of Gehazi rather than shepherds of God.

One day we shall give account of every idle word. We are all going to appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or evil. Even though we may be saved and spared eternal separation from the presence of God, the Day of judgment will test by fire what sort of work each one has done.  See 1 Corinthians 3:13-15. If anyone's work is burned they will suffer loss, though they will be saved but only through fire. Our God is a consuming fire. Those of us who are in leadership will be judged more harshly. Are we good stewards of the grace and gifts that have been generously given to us?

Sunday, 18 April 2021

Russian Mission Impossible Force (MIF) active in October 2014

 Yes, secret agents in Russia's MIF were active in Czechoslavia back in 2014. The task force dynamic duo of Boshirov (Chepiga) and Petrov (Mishkin) behind the Salisbury poisonings have been linked with sabotage in 2014 at a weapons facility.

As always in the case of Mission Impossible Force  the Kremlin will disavow any knowledge of such actions.  

Chepiga and Mishkin are loyal agents of Mother Russia, where they are heroes, and they operate in the dark world of espionage, spies and lies. 

Thanks to Bellingcat we know the identities of these men who have received the Hero of Russia award.

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Delays and dithering over the Oxford Astra-zeneca vaccine puts lives at risk

 Countries which have suspended the use of the Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccine are putting lives at risk. There is absolutely no clear evidence that the vaccine has caused or causes blot clots. It is dangerous and foolish to suspend the vaccination procedures. Fear and uncertainty will now be in people's minds. 

Some European countries have been woefully slow in the administration of the vaccine. This delay has probably cost people their lives. The consequences will lead to more fatalities;  the scientific evidence  will show that Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccine is safe and is life saving.  It is a big mistake to delay and to dither when lives are at stake.

Friday, 26 February 2021

Frontline Police Officers should be vaccinated now

 Police Officers who are required to go into crowded places and dangerous, difficult situations should be vaccinated immediately. They need full protection from the virus and people who are putting them at risk of infection. Sometimes they are attacked, abused and badly treated. Those who are engaged in illegal activities and attacks during the lockdown should be harshly punished and shamed. We should not tolerate unacceptable behaviour. Vaccinate our police now!

Wednesday, 17 February 2021

It is very sad to hear about Ravi Zacharias' disgrace and shameful behaviour

 Despite Ravi Zacharias' sexual misconduct, deceit and lies, his apologetic books, sermons and ministerial works still proclaim truth, valuable insights, good arguments and  sound teaching. Booksellers and publishers have removed his books from their shelves and made them unavailable for purchase, in effect out of print.  This is a regrettable move. We should separate the personality from the publications, from the truth and merits of what he wrote. A good book is a good book even if the author has acted in bad ways.  Ravi's apologetics and the arguments he put forward are no less valid now than they were when his books were selling well in previous years.

God uses flawed human beings. Church history teaches this lesson clearly. And lessons are being learned form this sorry mess. Our hearts and prayers should go out to the victims of abuse and suffering caused by Ravi. Ravi, who died last May, was put on a high pedestal and has now fallen in the light of recent investigations. In time his books will be valued for what was written rather than what Ravi did in spas.

Yes, the evil done will be remembered, but so should the good. Being dead he still speaks... through his books etc.

Tuesday, 2 February 2021

The Dig: a disappointing drama with a miscast Carey Mulligan

 The Dig is now available to see on Netflix. Ralph Fiennes sparkles in the role of Basil Brown, managing to capture the character brilliantly with an excellent rural Suffolk accent. He really nails it.

Poor old Basil did not get the recognition and credit he deserved at the time. But history has now been kind to him and his place in British archaeology is assured.

Carey Mulligan is dreadfully miscast as Mrs Edith Pretty, who was twenty years older when the events took place.  Ludicrous. And Peggy Piggott, played by Lily James, was an established and accomplished archaeologist, not a lightweight novice or clumsy sidekick.

On the whole, the acting was of a high standard. More could have been made of the spectacular finds at the Sutton Hoo dig. There was so much more to be said about the magnificent helmet, the jewellery, exquisite weaponry,  crafted items and coins that have been gathered at the site. 

Tuesday, 12 January 2021

Trump has disgraced himself and has blood on his hands

 Trump was responsible for the dreadful scenes at the Capitol building. The riotous behaviour, vandalism, violence, insurrection and deaths could have been avoided. Lies and falsehoods caused people to storm the Capitol and attack police and security guards. The resulting mayhem on 6 January 2021 marks a very sad day in the history of America.

Trump's presidency will end on a sour note, which should stop any chance of a political comeback.  Many supporters and fund raisers are now disserting his cause and condemning him for what happened. Sports stars do not wish to be associated with him. He is seen as a criminal, delusional, a danger to America and an opponent of democracy. His inflammatory words caused the deaths at the Capitol. Both Republicans and Democrats have been denouncing Trump. The sooner he leaves the White House the better. Some will remember him as the worst president ever. What a shameful end to his presidency. A dreadful legacy.

Some are calling for Trump to be punished for his crimes.