Dangerous young men are roaming the land with weapons, and the warfare will continue in the wild lands, the tribal areas and in the cities. These terrorists will not willingly give up their arms, their power to kill, rape, deal in the opium trade, bully and oppress folk that do not share or embrace their brand of Islamism. Scores will be settled. Women and girls will be enslaved. Dark days are ahead: suffering under sharia and bloody jihad. There will be murder, mayhem, misery and misogyny, despite what the Taliban diplomats and spokesmen may say, promise or preach in the media. By their fruits you shall know them. They will reap a harvest of corruption.
President Joe Biden is the pathetic President of the USA. He has presided over a dreadful disaster which will have catastrophic consequences. JB does not yet seem fully aware of the extent of this mess, muddle and madness on his watch. He needs our prayers and miracles from on high. Taliban trials, troubles, terrorism and tribulation look likely, and it is coming to pass under this Biden administration.
Under this Biden administration the world is a much more dangerous and less safe place. The consequences of this incompetence will be cost many lives and cause misery, mayhem and misogyny. What a terrible humiliation for the USA. Many are asking the question, is Biden fit and mentally sound enough to be POTUS?