China is now a custodial country, a prison state which cannot tolerate a free press and true freedom.
The attack on and detention of journalists in Hong Kong shows, once again, the illiberal, repressive and anti-democratic ways and methods of the Communist Party.
The Communist Party of China fails to understand the importance of a free press and the open and fair exchange of ideas. The Communist Party (CP) breeds enemies of the open society and true democracy, which is established by the freedom of the press, civil liberties, freedom of religion and worship, independent education and freedom of travel, movement and intellectual enterprise.
Time and time again Communism restricts, represses and repels attempts to criticize and condemn injustice, corruption, mendacity and falsehood. Some CP officials seem to be inoculated against truth, clear facts and common sense.
It is a very bad move to attack the free press and hide behind national security and other means and methods of control. The CP want so much control that they are creating a prison state, a custodial country.
Long live the brave journalists of Apple Daily. Viva Apple Daily. The freedom of the Press is essential in any and every democracy.Shame on the enemies of freedom, human rights and democracy. Long live liberty in Hong Kong.