Tuesday, 16 January 2024

The Attitude should be Gratitude

We have much to be thankful for, much to rejoice despite the cold weather and chilly winds, despite wars and rumours of wars, despite the climate crisis, despite the injustices in society and throughout the world.

The western democracies are where people want to live and move and have their being.  There are too many malcontents, moaners and misanthropes. Some people do not seem to be happy unless they are making others unhappy. Miserable melancholic murmurers wish to spread their poisonous and toxic ideas without providing any viable alternative and constructive ideas, certainly no answer or solutions.    

In this country, in the USA, in Canada and northern European lands, in Australia and New Zealand, democracy and freedom reign.  When you visit other lands then you begin to appreciate how bad it can get. When you look at human rights records and the corruption index then you can understand how dire and dreadful some countries are in providing or rather not providing basic law, order, security, stability, economic prosperity and freedom of speech and the press, protest and personal property protection.  

Everyday we should take time to rejoice in what we have and not take these precious freedoms for granted.  Personally I am very grateful for our Christian heritage, our NHS, carers and educational institutions. I owe preachers, doctors, carers and teacher so much, and I am so grateful for their sacrificial service.

There are those who wish to enslave us with the yoke of tyranny and the woke ideologies.  There are those who want us to submit to false religions, vanities, evil gods and failed philosophies. They do not share our values or established ethical ways of living in peace and prosperity. We should be grateful to those who defend our democratic way of life, liberty and the land we enjoy. 

Our attitude should be gratitude.  May God grant us the grace to make this land a even better place where we are not disgrace. 

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