Friday, 3 November 2023

Are we equipped to tackle the neo-Arians?

 Few today seem to know about Athanasius and the Arian controversy. In some ways it is being played out when one encounters the Jehovah Witnesses.

Now I respect them for their stand in WW2, their high ethical values and their commitment to spread their message in the face of ridicule, rudeness and rank contempt.

Their message is not new for Arius once taught doctrines with which they would be comfortable:

Jesus was a created being.

There was a time when He was not, when He did not exist.

Jesus is not the divine Son of God or God the Son.

There is no Trinity.  

God is one and there is no other God(s).

There is no Godhead of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Jesus did not teach that He is or was God.

All of the above statements or doctrine are false, wrong and heretical according to Christian tradition, what is called Orthodoxy, the right way established by the universal Church and true to the Biblical narrative.

Today we have various forms of this false teaching. It is said that Jesus was a good teacher, a great example, a wise and wonderful person, a person to respect, honour and esteem as a religious leader.

Now all of these comments have elements of truth and merit. But a clear and honest reading of the New Testament and a good understanding of the whole Bible shows that Jesus was the divine Son of God> He is the King of Kings and LORD of Lords, the Alpha and the Omega, and the Way, the Truth and Life. He is the Saviour who came to save sinners. God was in Christ. God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Jehovah Witnesses (JWs) twist the New Testament Greek and have their own translation, the New World Translation.  Certain texts, for example, in John's Gospel are changed to suit their doctrines.

In the original text it clearly states that:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

And He, Jesus, the Word, the divine Logos, is God, not a god or a created being. Jesus is God and it is clear in John's Gospel that He was worshipped. John 9:38 is clear. And the JWs admit that only God should be worshipped.

When it comes to John 12: 41 the JWs are all at sea and have to play all sorts of theological gymnastics to explain the meaning of the text. Please read it. Mark, learn and inwardly digest the context and the deep implications of this verse with reference to Isaiah 6 and you should see what I am getting at.

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