Sunday, 15 October 2023

Is the call of God beyond family first values?

Some churches are very keen on the family, perhaps family first, and Christian family values. The church as the family of God is promoted, endorsed and applauded in line with certain verses in the New Testament.

However, in the early Church community there were those who did not enjoy family life and comforts of a happy home life with close relatives. Some were slaves, displaced persons, refugees, members of the Jewish diaspora, people who had fled persecution and terrible hardship as strangers in a strange land.

Jesus called people to follow Him, and even forsake family, friends, financial security and an easier life. 

Can  you think of relevant Bible verses?

Think of Jesus' encounter with the rich young ruler, and the man who wanted to settle his family affairs before responding to Jesus' call.  

Are Christians today in danger of elevating family values above those of the call of God in Christ Jesus?

It is an important question that needs to be considered in the light of Jesus' teaching, and of course the whole counsel of God. 

We like to talk and discuss Christian family values, in many ways, and it is good to work out what that means. But I would suggest that there are other ways, other important aspects of Christian life, such the church as a community, a partnership which invests in what is best for needy folk, a fellowship where there is caring, sharing and bearing one another's burdens, worries and cares, and of course ministering with prayers.

I  asked a Christian from South Korea, when I was a post graduate student at Oxford: what in your opinion is the difference between Christians in the UK and Christians in your country?

He replied, "Here you talk and discuss a lot. Back home we pray a lot. We pray a lot more than we talk."

And 1Corinthians 4:20 is a word, a message to me, as much as anyone!

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