Tuesday, 31 October 2023

Happy Halloween? Happy and blessed All Saints' Day!

 Many people are quite unaware and unfamiliar with the fact that Halloween is on the eve of All Saint's Day.  In the Christian tradition, rather than the neo-pagan and secular one of today, All Saints' Day is the day to celebrate the triumph of all saints, dead, living and yet to be, over the forces of darkness. The victory is over Satan, sin and selfishness. For Christians there is a fabulous hope of future glory in a New Heaven and a New Earth where righteousness dwells, where Christ Jesus rules and reigns supreme and without any opposition.

Being happy and blessed are clearly linked in the Bible. Blessing brings happiness and authentic joy. Some would argue that there is no true happiness without holiness, sanctification, in Christ Jesus. Some think that they are happy, but in reality they have a false sense of eternal security if they are not in Christ. He is the only eternal hope for humanity. One day that shall be made clear, though some have already discerned it. Some have glimpsed beyond this present age. Some have seen unutterable things. Some have experience ineffably joy, realized abundant life having eternal quality. He will usher in the final Kingdom, when all things will be under His authority. Every tongue will confess that He is LORD.

Monday, 30 October 2023

Underdog Football from Manchester United

 Underdog football sums up Manchester United's abysmal performance at Old Trafford last Saturday.

In the second half the defence was poor and the attack was firing blanks. City, on the other hand , were showing their superiority and looked like the home side rather than the away side under pressure. Whether you believe that United are the devil's team or not, they played like middle table mediocrities badly in need of a radical overhaul.  

The United goalkeeper, Andre Onana, played magnificently and made some world class saves, beautiful to watch.  He is the best player in their squad on current form, though Rashford shines from time to time.

City are a quality side, which the Red Devils cannot match at all this season, perhaps for some time to come.

It is unlikely that Erik ten Hag will be there for much longer, but it's a funny old game.

Manchester United 0  Manchester 3.  

Friday, 27 October 2023

The Kingdom of Heaven, not middle class, bourgeois family values

 Jesus came preaching the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew's Gospel) and the Kingdom of God (Luke's Gospel). The Lord taught us the parables of the Kingdom. He preached repentance, for the Kingdom was at hand. He was the King, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. It can be argued that the Kingdom was and is where Jesus ruled and reigned, where His authority, power and victory are established.

His Kingdom has been misunderstood, for some identified it with the Church, or Christendom, where the influence of the Church held sway. 

The correct understanding would be to say the the Kingdom of Heaven/God takes its point of departure from God, whereas the Church takes its point of departure from Christians, followers of Christ, and is therefore flawed. The Church is an imperfect human institution, although as ecclesia it is the fellowship of those called out to be God's people. Is it a hospital for sinners rather than a gymnasium or club for the spiritually elite?

Jesus did not come preaching family values, not as we currently understand them and certainly not as some experience them in tensions, conflict, disagreements, divorce, broken homes, unhealthy relationships, squabbles and frayed exchanges. They can be units of support, comfort, consolation, and caring, but how often do they come with a spiritual dimension?

When Jesus preached there was conviction, authority and truth that penetrated the heart and mind. 

Woke and pseudo theologies have presented us with a god without wrath, men without sin, and a kingdom without judgment, so that there is no need for Christ on the cross to save us.  According to this form of religion, there is no hell or any prospect of a perilous separation from God, no weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth,  no place of regret and grief for past iniquities, no punishment of the wicked. People are left to follow the broad way and rely on their own good and bad works, what they considered to be best, good intentions.  Human religion does not call for repentance, to turn away from evil, wickedness and the sin that separates us from God.

The New Testament reveals that salvation is by grace through the divine gift of faith,  and this leads to good works which God has prepared for us.  Please see Ephesians 2: 8-10.  This is the wonderful message of the Gospel, the Good News, that Jesus came into the world to save sinners, to deliver us from a lost eternity, so that we are able to come to eternal life.  This eternal life has the quality of eternity, the abundant life that God intended us to live. In Christ Jesus there is the certain hope of a glorious future, and the reality of an abundant life now.


Sunday, 15 October 2023

Is the call of God beyond family first values?

Some churches are very keen on the family, perhaps family first, and Christian family values. The church as the family of God is promoted, endorsed and applauded in line with certain verses in the New Testament.

However, in the early Church community there were those who did not enjoy family life and comforts of a happy home life with close relatives. Some were slaves, displaced persons, refugees, members of the Jewish diaspora, people who had fled persecution and terrible hardship as strangers in a strange land.

Jesus called people to follow Him, and even forsake family, friends, financial security and an easier life. 

Can  you think of relevant Bible verses?

Think of Jesus' encounter with the rich young ruler, and the man who wanted to settle his family affairs before responding to Jesus' call.  

Are Christians today in danger of elevating family values above those of the call of God in Christ Jesus?

It is an important question that needs to be considered in the light of Jesus' teaching, and of course the whole counsel of God. 

We like to talk and discuss Christian family values, in many ways, and it is good to work out what that means. But I would suggest that there are other ways, other important aspects of Christian life, such the church as a community, a partnership which invests in what is best for needy folk, a fellowship where there is caring, sharing and bearing one another's burdens, worries and cares, and of course ministering with prayers.

I  asked a Christian from South Korea, when I was a post graduate student at Oxford: what in your opinion is the difference between Christians in the UK and Christians in your country?

He replied, "Here you talk and discuss a lot. Back home we pray a lot. We pray a lot more than we talk."

And 1Corinthians 4:20 is a word, a message to me, as much as anyone!

Sunday, 8 October 2023

Congratulations to Professor Hippolite Amadi

 Last month, September 2023, Hippolite Amadi who is currently Visiting Professor in the Department of Bioengineering at Imperial College, University of London, won the Nigeria Prize for Science.

This prize was awarded for Professor Amadi's innovative work which led to tremendous advances in neonatal and child healthcare.

There are now neonatal research centres in Nigeria that bear Professor Amadi's name. An impressive legacy.

Saturday, 7 October 2023

FIFA means finance is first aim

 Now we all know it and it is abundantly clear, FIFA mean Finace is First Aim. It's all about the money.

The Chief Executive Officer should be called Phil Aguria, lover of money. And the love of money is...