Friday, 18 June 2021

Case Solved - the husband murdered Caroline!

 Caroline Crouch Anagnostopolos was murdered by her husband, known as Babis. He has confessed to the crime(s) and staged an elaborate cover up. It happened after an argument. Caroline had threatened to leave him and take their baby away. Babis even killed the family dog to make it look like a gangland attempt to break into the house, and then torture Caroline to find out where the money and valuables were kept. Babis played the victim who was tied up. He maintained, at first very convincingly, that Caroline was forced to reveal the location of the items while he was helpless to intervene. A pack of lies!

It is a Greek tragedy. The baby will now grow up without parents.

Thursday, 17 June 2021

China and Hong Kong are prison states and the people are in custody

 China is now a custodial country, a prison state which cannot tolerate a free press and true freedom.

The attack on and detention of journalists in Hong Kong shows, once again, the illiberal, repressive and anti-democratic ways and methods of the Communist Party.  

The Communist Party of China fails to understand the importance of a free press and the open and fair exchange of ideas.  The Communist Party (CP) breeds enemies of the open society and true democracy, which is established by the freedom of the press, civil liberties, freedom of religion and worship, independent education and freedom of travel, movement and intellectual enterprise.

Time and time again Communism restricts, represses and repels attempts to criticize and condemn injustice, corruption, mendacity and falsehood. Some CP officials seem to be inoculated against truth, clear facts and common sense.

It is a very bad move to attack the free press and hide behind national security and other means and methods of control. The CP want so much control that they are creating a prison state, a custodial country.

Thursday, 10 June 2021

Concerns about the Crouch-Anagnostopolous case

I expected that this murder case would have had suspects in custody by now.  It seems that the DNA evidence has not produced the results that many had hoped for. It was reported that Caroline, the murder victim, had fought the attacker(s) and had DNA under her fingernails. Perhaps the sample of DNA did not yield  a positive result or clear identification of the perpetrator. 

Some people knew about the cash and jewellery at the house, and they thought that this money was on the premises to pay for a land deal. Such information would be taken into account by the Greek Police, who would be considering persons of interest, those capable of this horrendous crime, with motive, means, opportunity, criminal connections, and methods of fencing the jewellery. 

This type of violent murder is rare in Greece. Let us hope that the perpetrators are caught soon and that justice is seen, served and delivered. Caroline's family are serving a life sentence of grief and painful memories.

Sunday, 6 June 2021

Iran again, where people live in pain

 It comes as no surprise to me to learn that in IRAN a human rights lawyer faces a brutal sentence of  over 38 years in prison and 148 lashes. Why? Nasrin Sotoudeh stood up for women's rights. According to Amnesty International her sentence is an injustice, an attack on her freedom of speech and her work to stand up for mistreated women. A punishment of 17 lashes by brutal male Iranian officers can be excruciatingly painful and humiliating for women. (Listen to the testimony of Ms Anni Cyrus on Youtube.) The prison conditions are dreadful through out the Middle East, particularly in IRAN which seems to be promoting Islamic Repression Administering Nastiness.  Nasrin is currently held in ? Prison, which has a notoriously hard and hard regime. It is a "dangerous, unhygienic and overcrowded prison".  The prospect of such a severe flogging in such a bad prison in such terrible circumstances is difficult to comprehend. Nasrin does not deserve to be in this situation. If the sentence is upheld Nasrin can look forward to being released at the age of 95, which is unlikely as she has poor health.

Anni Cyrus has mentioned on several occasions, from painful personal experience, that being a woman in Iran is not a pleasure at all.