Friday, 22 November 2019

Come off it Prince Andy! We don't fall for your stories.

Prince Andrew has been called the Duke of Porkies.  It is very hard to swallow that he stayed at Jeffrey Epstein's New York property, knowing he was a convicted serial sex offender, because it was a convenient place to stay. Prince Andy claims that he had no idea about the sex crimes taking place there or any wrongful activity. Is he that dim?  He visited the New York apartment a few times, enjoyed the private island, Epstein parties and time with Ghislaine Maxwell, and yet in all his time with this serial sex offender, with a history of abusing school aged girls, Prince Andy denies any knowledge of anything wrong happening on these premises.

In the face of the evidence it looks like Prince Andy likes to spend time in houses of ill repute.
According to recent information he was used to lure young girls to Epstein's property. Prince Andy would no doubt claim that he was unaware of this ploy or any such arrangement. Well he would, wouldn't he!

Ghislaine Maxwell knows a lot about these properties and what really went on there, if we believe the victims. And their accounts do have the ring of truth. Activities were filmed at these places. There were hidden cameras and an elaborate media room at the New York property. There were allegedly very incriminating photographs too.

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