Saturday, 26 October 2019

Fleecing the flock: it keeps happening

It is very sad and shameful when a clergyman steals from an elderly parishioner. Today Rev. Edward Morris, known as Andy to his former flock at St. Matthew's Church in Nottingham, is serving a custodial sentence for his recent crimes. (Earlier crimes and his greed have come to light.) His ministry as a vicar is over for the theft of £5,000 from the bank account of 96 year old Mavis Pennack, who trusted him with her bank card and PIN.

It seems that standards in the recruitment of clergy have fallen, and some very dodgy and dubious characters are now people of the cloth. There are, however, serious ecclesiastical shortages and pastoral vacancies. I know of cases of clergy being ordained who would never have been selected for ministry in the 20th century. Clergy are human, after all, and they usually fail because of matters relating to sex, money, behaviour, and power/pride, but we expect a certain level of morality, intellect, integrity and Christian conduct. Lessons need to be learned from this unhappy situation.

Andy Morris has let himself down, as well as his wife and family, his flock and the Church of England. He has to live with the disgrace. He has time to think of the damage he has done in his prison cell. He is said to be full of remorse. Andy will probably be out of prison by this time next year. Perhaps he can find a job with Alpha for Prisons. The prison chaplain may find some use for his fire-eating (perhaps not) and entertainment talents dressing up as a clown. Church of England clergy are often good at dressing up.

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