Those of a reformed and conservative evangelical persuasion have been critical of the Alpha Course because they dislike its charismatic elements and presentation of the Gospel. They claim that the message of repentance is not strong enough. They are unhappy about the teaching on the Holy Spirit, particularly any mention of speaking in tongues or spiritual gifts (charismata). Some promoted Christianity Explored as an alternative.
In this reformed and evangelical camp, which includes those in the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches, there is concern and criticism of Alpha's ecumenical and charismatic links. Some would denounce Alpha as a deception that leads Christians into doctrinal danger.
Some critics seem to forget that Alpha is a starter and not a main course. It was never intended to be more than an introductory course. Its original milieu was upper middle class and Alpha became popular among the bourgeoisie, particularly confident young urban professionals at Holy Trinity Brompton.
I was particularly interested in its application in prisons. More about that in due course.
In this reformed and evangelical camp, which includes those in the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches, there is concern and criticism of Alpha's ecumenical and charismatic links. Some would denounce Alpha as a deception that leads Christians into doctrinal danger.
Some critics seem to forget that Alpha is a starter and not a main course. It was never intended to be more than an introductory course. Its original milieu was upper middle class and Alpha became popular among the bourgeoisie, particularly confident young urban professionals at Holy Trinity Brompton.
I was particularly interested in its application in prisons. More about that in due course.
Perhaps the only criticism of the Alpha course, then, is that it tends to be a one size fits all approach. One way around this would be to include the basic essentials, with optional 'modules' for non-essentials.
ReplyDeleteAs they used to say, 'In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things charity'.
I hope you like this quote: We should be like Dr Who’s tardis – bigger on the inside than on the outside. (Source: J Plater, adapted from Smith Wigglesworth)