Sunday, 7 October 2018

Jordan Peterson exposes the Marxist myths and miserable methods

I have often heard Marxists claim that true Marxism has never been applied or achieved. Too true, because it is cannot be achieved. And when collectivists and communists have tried it has ended in disaster, declension and dreadful deeds done in the name of Marx and Engels.

Let us hear what Professor Jordan Peterson has to say on this subject.

Marxism is based on a false and erroneous view of human nature. In attempting to free the people, it enslaved so many in the 20th century, in gulags, psychiatric wards, in prisons, in torture chambers and work camps. Millions were starved, killed and orphaned by a cruel system. The DDR was a prison and police state, one of the most undemocratic places in Europe.  The Soviet Union, USSR, under Stalin was a country ruled by political gangsters. Any change in Russia today?

 Marx, in fact, called for the removal of the wages system. He believed that we could build a society where everyone would contribute to the common good and share according to our needs, sharing our abilities and resources. According to Marx the wages system would be replaced by a sort of utopia, where sharing, caring and bearing burdens for the common good would evolve from the working class, the proletariat. And does it not sound great? These workers of the world would unite and take control of the means of production from the bourgeoisie, those who owned the workplaces and exploited the workers. It never happened and it can never happen, because human nature will not let it happen. People are rarely eager to share, and many do not care, and human selfishness means that few are willing the bear other's burdens and make sacrifices.

Unfortunately, Marxism and, in particular, Stalinism destroyed what Peterson would call hierarchies of competence. Stalin removed and eliminated, with extreme prejudice, officers in the army, managerial grades in industry and in well run factories, farmers and agricultural managers who were doing a great job on their land. Even peasant farmers and their families suffered great hardship, starvation and death at the hand of Stalin's henchmen.

Maoism, Pol Pot's Cambodia and a host of Communist experiments led to misery and the maltreatment of many innocent people.

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