Friday, 7 September 2018

Peter Oborne fails to understand Christian theology

In the Daily Mail, Peter Oborne made a pathetic attack on Archbishop Welby's theology and position on God and mammon, that is God and money.

In the Judaeo-Christian tradition God has blessed people with money, wisdom and wealth. They can work together, but here is the crux of the matter. Money or mammon should never be a master, a god or a controlling influence. The doctrine of stewardship and the parable of the talents are relevant.

To some God gives talents etc. But it is in the handling of the money that matters. It counts! And we are accountable for it. We cannot deny that money matters. Even the most ascetic saint or missionary has to have the means to minister, to serve and to live. The church has had problems with money and the allocation of resources. See Acts 6, for example. The question is in its distribution, in justice and care for the poor, the needy, the weak etc. Caring and sharing are important. See also Acts 4: 32-35.

It is more blessed to give than to receive, but few apply that teaching of Jesus.

God and money do work together for good when God is in control, and hearts and minds are in tune with Him.

1 comment:

  1. Oborne also stated that Archbishop Runcie made a fool of himself with Faith in the City. Osborne failed to give any evidence or reasons for this crass claim. In fact, Faith in the City contained serious research and well founded contributions from highly qualified people, far more intellectually competent and capable than Oborne. And dear old Runcie was no fool.
