Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Rejoicing in the beauty of May, magnificent Spring weather this morning.

O what a beautiful morning, O what a beautiful day. As I hear the birds singing merrily and look out on my garden with the lovely fruit trees, I rejoice in the magnificence of May and the beauty of this day.

Thank you Mum, born in 1918, for bringing me into this world at such a lovely time of year...when the days are long, often warm, bright and sunny. Mum had a December birthday and she missed out with Christmas being so near, and money was tight after WW1. There were times when I had long evenings, light and bright, to enjoy my birthday presents and play out in the warm weather with my toys. Happy memories and a very happy childhood, despite serious illness and heart surgery. I rejoice in the NHS and the care of consultants, doctors, nurses and hospital staff who helped me through the valley of the shadow of death. Sir Thomas Holmes Sellars did a great job. It was a shame about the suturing of his juniors, who did not do such a great job. The great man apologized to my mother for the poor standard of suturing, which left me with 64 ugly stitches. Providence kept me alive. I would not have survived in many countries.

I intend to enjoy this special day. It is so lovely outside. I'm going out now to walk in the nearby wood. Hallelujah!

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