Thursday, 9 April 2015

FIFA rankings are like Swiss cheese, full of holes

When Switzerland are ranked in the top ten in world football you know something is wrong. Yes, Switzerland are ranked higher than Spain, France, Romania, Italy and England!  There are other teams ranked below the Swiss, when common sense tells you the rankings stink like a smelly stale cheese and the ranking system is full of holes like a Swiss Emmental.

FIFA decided to have a World Cup in Dubai, which has no tradition of football at a top level and highly questionable infrastructure for the matches. And Blatter is still working way beyond his sell buy date. It stinks.

FIFA opposed for many years goal-line technology. It still opposes video replays, that are now used as part of NFL and test match cricket.  When so much is at stake in some of the top games video technology should be available to referees. It will come one day, but no thanks to FIFA. Common sense will make it happen and we will wonder why it took so long to introduce.

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