Thursday, 23 February 2012

Marie Colvin the courageous: martyr for the cause of truthful journalism

Many tributes are being made today praising Marie Colvin for her courage, bravery and great journalism.  Marie Colvin faced danger many times and now she has been killed by the brutal Syrian army in Homs.  Marie bore witness to the sickening slaughter of innocent civilians.  She was appalled by the dreadful suffering of the Syrian people and died alongside French photographer Remi Ochlik.

 Marie was a martyr, which comes from the Greek word for witness and became associated with those who died for their faith.  May her death not be in vain. Her blood may be the seed of change in Syria. She profoundly believed that reporting could curtail the excesses of brutal regimes and make the international community take notice. Marie will be remembered for her bravery and her award winning journalism in the tradition of Martha Gellhorn.

It is hoped that humanitarian aid and medical supplies will be allowed into these conflict zones.  It may not be possible for Marie Colvin and Remi Ochlik  to be given decent burials.  Their bodies have been recovered in Homs, but it will be very difficult to get them returned.

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