Thursday, 21 July 2011

Cliff Richard, Crusaders and Finchley in the 1960s

In 1965 Cliff Richard, now Sir Cliff Richard, came along to the Finchley Crusader Bible Class held at Christ's College School, London N3, on Sunday afternoons. This Bible class for schoolboys, predominantly private and grammar schoolboys, was run by Bill Latham and Graham Disbrey.  Cliff had been invited to "sit in...under the gaze of thirty goggling schoolboys."  I was one of them, in the intermediate age group, and I proudly wore my Crusader badge on the lapel of my school blazer. My friend, who sat next to me, had a Crusader Bible, having attended Crusader classes for a whole year, on Sunday afternoons, without an absence.  This would have been something that I could never achieve because my Father, who played cricket up to three times a week, encouraged me to be a cricket scorer and occasional fielder/player, when somebody cried off on the day of the match. (The money for scoring and the delicious free teas, with plenty of sandwiches and cakes, were very tempting to a teenage boy.)  I was told by some evangelical Christians that I failed to honour the Lord's Day properly.  According to this view, Sunday (the Lord's Day or Christian Sabbath) was not a day for sport or recreational activity, and certainly not for any school homework.  Crusader Bible class was considered to be a most worthy way for teenage boys to spend their afternoons on the Lord's Day.  Dr John Harvey of Imperial College, University of London, was leader of the Crusader Bible class for senior boys.

Cliff was very committed to the class, despite his heavy commitments as an international entertainer.  On Saturdays we occasionally went on special outings.  On one Saturday we went to Whipsnade Zoo, and Cliff drove some of the boys up the M1 in his Citroen convertible.  He had some impressive cars.  I seem to recall him arriving at Christ's College in a Jensen Interceptor and an E type jaguar.  He once told the boys that he had owned a Cadillac, but it had been a great disappointment.

Cliff moved to Etchingham Park Road in Finchley, London N3, where Mrs Latham and her son, batchelor Bill Latham, lived.  I understand that Cliff believes that his conversion took place in this house.  Bill attended St. Paul's Church (Anglican), across Victoria Park, in Long Lane, Finchley. Cliff went there too. Paul Betts was the vicar and Terry Nottage was the curate. David Winter, who had been editor of Crusade Magazine,   became a BBC producer of religious programmes; he was a very active member of the congregation at St Paul's. ( I remember arguing with him about adult believers' baptism. David Winter robustly defended the Anglican theological position of infant baptism.)  St. Paul's Church had a thriving youth club, but nothing like Christ Church, North Finchley, which had a packed large hall (with badminton and table tennis) on Saturday nights. Christ Church had very well attended after church meetings on Sunday evenings, with some excellent guest speakers. Andrew Kirk, an eminent theologian, was a curate then. Both churches were soundly evangelical.  Harold Parks became the vicar in the mid 1960s.

I remember talking to Cliff at David Winter's house, near Victoria Park in Finchley, about Cliff's future in showbusiness. David Winter, Bill Latham and Nigel Goodwin wanted Cliff to get involved in the Billy Graham Evangelistic Organization and the Crusade meetings. (Nothing to do with Crusaders.)  For a time Cliff was considering becoming a school teacher of religious studies.  Bill Latham was then head of religious education at a secondary school in Hertfordshire; he gave Cliff advice about a career in teaching and the need for academic qualifications in order to enrol for teacher training.  Some Christians felt that Cliff should quit the worldly pop music business, like Terry Dene the skiffle group singer. Becoming an evangelist or RE teacher would have been a possible way forward.  These Christians contended that the evil influences of the pop music industry would be detrimental to an authentic Christian witness.  The broad way of compromise and terrible temptations would beckon.  There was fear of worldliness and the contamination by the pop scene with its loose morals and sexual promiscuity i.e. sex, drugs and rock and roll.  The Nationwide Festival of Light was formed to challenge and stand against the perceived moral laxity, particularly in the media. Some trendy teenagers, however, thought that it was better to be a Keith Richards (of the Rolling Stones) fan rather than Cliff Richard, sometimes despised for his squeeky clean Christian pop star image.   When Cliff decided to remain in showbusiness some Christians were disappointed.  Others rejoiced that he could witness and proclaim his deeply held Christian faith to a very wide but needy audience.  Links with evangelist Billy Graham, a Billy Graham  film starring Cliff called Two A Penny, with RADA graduate Nigel Goodwin, followed.


  1. People often ask me if there was any evidence that Cliff was gay as he was linked with bachelor Bill Latham and the boys in Crusader classes?

    In my opinion, the answer is none, nothing at all.

  2. I am fairly confident that to receive a Crusader Bible, often called a knighthood, you had to attend for 100 sundays. Ten Sundays for the badge, and fifty to receive a new testament. At least that was the system at the Shrivenham group I attended.

  3. The passage of 50 years and growth of facial hair prevents me recognising you, but I was at Finchley Cru till end 1964 as assistant leader, then moved to Cornwall. Now on back benches at Truro Baptist church, after 42 years as deacon/secretary. How can we get in touch? Peter M

  4. A very interesting read re Finchley and Cliff's involvement. I grew up in the Tunbridge Wells Class and well remember Cliff (with full beard) paying our class a visit about then and turning up with Bill Latham in a Jensen Interceptor. I think we had a record turnout that Sunday!

  5. I've just come across this blog as I was looking for Harold Parks' name. I was a chorister at St Paul's Finchley, a pupil of Christchurch School and a member of Finchley Crusaders at this time. I used to babysit for David Winter. Thanks for reviving great old memories. I worked for Cru HQ when I first left school. I was recently in touch with Paul Betts, as I had just inspected St Mary's CE Primary for the National Society. I recently met the lovely Ken Habershon at a memorial service for Mike Milton - also Finchley Cru. Ken is 80s and still as dynamic as ever.

  6. My reply to Education Monkey has vanished in cyberspace.

  7. Graham Didsbury? Do you mean Gerard?

  8. I think I was at one of those meetings Cliff came to. I thought the vicar and St Paul's was called Burden. I lived next door to some Disbrey's. Peter. Ken, Pauline .... were they related to Graham?

  9. The Vicar of St Paul's was Alan (?) Burden but, by the time Cliff joined the church, he had retired and been replaced by Paul Betts and his curate, Terry Nottage. David Winter was Reader. The Disbreys were all related, as I recall, Ken was / is Graham's brother. I'm happy to answer questiona about this time as I was an active member of St Pauls and Finchley Cru. I used to babysit for David and Christine Winter. Cliff once sang at a Panomime I wrote and directed at St Paul's

  10. Thank you, John. I remember Mr Burden, and possibly tea at the vicarage behind the church, Sunday school in the front hall (with a stage which was presumably where your panto was staged) but I guess I'm going back to mid/late '50s. Crus must have been early/mid '60s. Peter and Ann Disbrey were Pauline and Ken's parents (Avondale Road) so perhaps Graham was a cousin.
