Saturday, 14 May 2011

Blogger Problems and Current Concerns

 A result of problems with Blogger, which made blogging impossible for a wee while, I lost some information and work in cyberspace.  Consequently comments from Catherine about Pastor Odulele, who is now in prison, appear to have been lost with my response/thanks for the comments.

I had thought about writing something on the desperation, discord and death on the streets of Damascus and throughout Syria.  Government gunmen evidently are on the streets, and there is the lawlessness by snipers and secret policemen.  So many protestors have been killed for raising their voices against an oppressive and evil regime. Journalists and media crews have been banned, so there is no freedom of the press or expression.  For some in Syria, life is and has been a living gehenna.

Last Monday I went to the Tate Modern just by the Millennium Bridge and south of the River Thames.  Just by the riverside entrance, on the left hand side, is an exhibition on the photographic work of Burke and Norfolk.  Impressive. Moving. Challenging.

The video by Simon Norfolk, which lasts 17 minutes, is full of excellent insights.  I would say that because I agree with his analysis of what he calls "the fourth Anglo-Afghan war".  Afghanistan now looks far worse than it did in the 1990s.  Tens of thousands of Afghans have been murdered, and billions of pounds and dollars have been wasted. Camp Leatherneck in Afghanistan is now the size of a small American city.  The carbon footprint and logistical trail are indeed colossal.  One scene that Simon Norflok filmed reminded me of the rest and recreation part, with the Playboy Bunny Girls and entertainment arena on the army camp, in Apocalypse Now. Will the decadent display help the war effort, raise morale and gain the sympathy of the local population?  Military madness continues.

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