Wednesday, 24 May 2023

The Death of Michael Reid, formerly Bishop of Peniel Church

 I have recently discovered that Michael Reid, who led Peniel Church near Brentwood, died in January 2023.  He did achieve success in establishing a large church with an impressive choir, a private school (Peniel Academy), a Bible college and substantial properties around the Coxtie Green area. Unfortunately his ministry ended in disgrace and shame. His adultery was exposed and, after an independent investigation which led to the Langlois Report, horrendous evidence of harm, toxic abuse, bullying and deceit. It is true to say Reid created "havoc and pain for many."

There are many well documented victims of this abusive ministry.  It is easy to find the evidence. There are those who still carry deep mental wounds and painful psychological scars from their experiences at Peniel Church, at the end of the last century and up to his resignation in April 2008. Reid did not leave the church manse willingly. It took considerable effort to remove him. There was rejoicing when he departed. Many were glad to see him go.  

There are important lessons to learn from the Langlois Report and the whole Peniel episode so that these abuses are not repeated.