Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Violence against women is worse than has been acknowledged

 The cases of violence against women are truly woeful and worrying. Women are dying far too frequently as a result of domestic violence and random unprovoked attacks.  The low numbers of rape convictions are unacceptable in the face of so much evidence and suffering by women. Our society has a major problem which has been neglected. Some folk do not wish to discuss it. It is regarded by some as an unsuitable subject to be discussed in a church context.  A very sad, misguided and erroneous attitude, because the church does have a role to play in supporting those who suffer such violence, who need help and justice. There are too many cases where justice has been denied. Our justice system has failed to understand what women have suffered and some of the circumstances of the assaults which have been ignored. Women are now fearful to walk along certain streets, in certain areas and along dark alleyways.

There are, and it is an inconvenient truth, men in our society who have a depraved and decadent view of women. Often we find that rapists and sex offenders have had an unhealthy addiction to pornography. This has given some of them false and dangerous attitudes to women as sex objects and playthings, even prey.

We need to educate our boys and young men in reasonable behaviour, internet etiquette and good sex manners. Sadly Christian morality is unpopular, and we are questioning the understanding of what Christian sexual morality means and involves. As a result we see more broken homes, more socially transmitted diseases and more crime and violence in our society. 

Thursday, 16 September 2021

Black Theology and Black Lives Matter: two sides of the same coin?

It has been said the black theology and black lives matter are two sides of the same coin. Well I have never seen that coin and find it hard to believe this statement. 

I can understand the value of black theology and its place in the church, in certain contexts and in the lives of black Christians. But the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement seems to be a quite different matter, particularly when it comes to its political agenda.  There have been at BLM rallies and demonstrations clear calls to defund the police. I have even seen graffiti promoting violence against the police in the USA.  

Thomas Sowell is highly critical of the BLM movement and those who are promoting and profiting from the race relations industry. I would recommend his books and YouTube videos on race, inequality and economics. He follows the facts and exposes those who seem to be inoculated against the facts and the evidence.  

Wednesday, 15 September 2021

A Bandit State in Afghanistan

 There is now a bandit state in Afghanistan. The country is run by brigands who have no ability to administer an ordered economy and civil society with an adequate health and welfare system. Health, hospitals will collapse without good nursing and educated professionals, men and women capable of providing the necessary skills, operations and procedures. The Taliban are not able to run a civil service, a well ordered ministerial government, a decent educational system, a diplomatic service and cabinet capable of maintaining cohesion.  

The country will not be able to feed, clothe and provide for its needs, especially with winter coming and the cash is not flowing thorough the economy. It will not generate the necessary wealth and meet the needs of the whole population.

Put bandits in charge and see what happens. Allow the heavily armed brigands to roam freely with their weapons and see what transpires.

It is no wonder that thousands are fleeing Afghanistan. Who wants to stay in this custodial country, this prison of a place, where women are treated so badly and human rights are not upheld?  Freedom does not exist there and democracy, an open society with a free press is not allowed.

Saturday, 11 September 2021

Prince Andrew is in trouble and the problems will increase

 The latest news in the Prince Andrew/Virginia Roberts Giuffre (VRG) affair is hitting the headlines and the drama is heating up. The Prince and his legal team are under great pressure, and in the court of public opinion there is call for the Prince to face reality and the consequences of his lies, loose living and lust for young girls. The people believe in the narrative and the accusations of Virginia Roberts Giuffre.  The public seem to be on her side and against the pampered Prince, known as the Duke of Porky Pies or Porkies, rather than the Duke of York. He is now the not so grand old Duke of York, but a man in disgrace and often hidden away on royal land.

Prince Andrew has been served legal papers which claim that there is case to answer for rape and sexual assault, Civil Action No. 21-cv-6702. It was legally filed in the US District Court for the Southern District of New York. The legal papers have evidently been accepted at Prince Andrew's home in Windsor. 

This case will not go away but there will be added traction with the Ghislaine Maxwell affair legal drama expected to play out in the next year. Prince Andrew was allegedly involved in the Epstein/Maxwell houses of sexual activity, places of ill repute and sex trafficking. He did not visit, it is claimed, those houses in the Epstein empire for tourism and hospitality, but sexual activity with young women, some say very young women. VRG gives a very interesting account of the Prince's activities on the so called Lolita Island, owned by Epstein.  Of course the Prince would deny any impropriety or misconduct. He claims that he had no recollection of meeting VRG.  Is that verging on the ridiculous?

We should feel so sorry for the dear old Queen, who must cringe when her Majesty sees today's papers. What shame Prince Andrew has brought on the royal family, the firm the Queen has done so much to protect, to promote and to pray for.