Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Not another novichok poisoning

The Russian authorities have denied that Alexei Navalny was poisoned by one of their nerve agents, novichok. Well they have got a nerve! Not a surprise to the German scientists. This is Russian poison. It comes from Russia alone; no one else has been successful in its production. It is a military grade bio weapon, the weapon of choice to be used against opponents of the Russian state.

Opposition, political opposition, is clearly dangerous in Russia today. Denial of poisoning is the expected response when there is clear evidence of the deployment of novichok or polonium.

There are two possibilities.  The poisoning was state sponsored and authorized at the highest level.
The other explanation is a rogue, black operation by criminals. Criminals clearly carried out this poisoning. Most people believe it was an act of criminals linked to Vlad the gangster, the Vozhd, who approved it.