Saturday, 14 December 2019

Reasons why Labour failed to win the general election

Corbyn and his brand of left wing politics must be taken into account. Corbyn was disliked for his dithering and indecision over Brexit. He did not convince voters that he was capable of handling the economy, the defence of the country, antisemites in the Labour Party, and leading the working class.
Corbyn's alleged links with the IRA and certain left wing extremists did not go down well. He annoyed and alienated moderate Labour members. His front bench team did not inspire confidence at all. The thought of Diane Abbott as Home Secretary lost votes.

There was the old fear that Labour would overspend and ruin the economy, especially with John McDonnell at the Treasury.

Labour failed to appeal to Scottish voters. Their policies did not appeal much north of the border. They appeared weak on Brexit, lacking clarity.

Friday, 13 December 2019

Corbyn must go

The unelectable Comrade Corbyn must step down as leader of the heavily defeated Labour Party.
It is time for a front bench clear out. The disasterous results must bring about a hard and long look at the deep problems. Comrade Corbyn is the worst Labour leader in living memory. Yes, worse than Kinnock and Foot. His defeat is humiliating. It is a woefully poor performance.The electorate has sent a clear and strong message.

Alan Johnson has acknowledged the pathetic failure of  Corbynism, and Momentum with its student politics. Corbyn failed to lead the working class. He spectacularly alienated Jewish voters.  Corbyn was a disaster on the doorstep.

Unless reality bites the Labour Party with Momentum will enter the political wilderness and see more electoral defeats. The immediate future looks bleak.

Wednesday, 11 December 2019

A Sad Day and a Bad Day for Aung San Suu Kyi

For such a respected Nobel Peace Prize winner to be defending the indefensible, to be so woefully misinformed about the facts of genocide, established and independently verified, in her country beggars belief. It is hard to grasp her denial and her failure to comprehend what took place in Myanmar.

Was she kept in an ivory tower or parallel universe?  Was she seriously misled and inaccurately briefed by mendacious military officials, politicians, civil servants and advisers? The evidence is so clear. With her experience, education and background surely the truth was plain to see. And yet there is such a confident refusal to face the facts. Will Aung San Suu Kyi ever admit what has happened to the Rohingya people... the horror... the genocide.. crimes against humanity! Many innocent Rohingyas were murdered by soldiers. Ethic cleansing took place. The evidence is overwhelming and the truth will come out.