Monday, 22 May 2017

So Twin Peaks will be back and it's weirdsville once again

It has been called cult viewing and greatly anticipated, eagerly awaited, but I remember the original series being ridiculed and scorned by many viewers who lost patience with its absurdity, blatant irrationality. Strange characters, nonsensical dialogue, and surrealistic humour annoyed them. They thought that  David Lynch, the director, was taking the proverbial, indulging his fantasies and far out ideas.  The lady with the log, who believed it spoke, demon possession, people speaking backwards, and weird dream sequences made them hit the off button. They refused to take any more of this incomprehensible journey to weirdsville, USA.

Confused? You will be! That's what David Lynch does brilliantly, confuse and confound his audience.
And the Log Lady is back in the new series.

Friday, 19 May 2017

Saffron Walden, Essex: on market day in May

Saffron Walden is one of the most attractive towns in Essex and in England.  When the weather is good in May it is a wonderfully perfect place to visit. You will discover some magnificent architecture, ancient buildings, atmospheric alleys, and charming streets. The maze in Bridge End Gardens is amazing. Absolutely splendid! The museum, the art gallery, the market and the castle are certainly worth a visit, and the Church of St Mary the Virgin is outstandingly glorious.

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Kersey, Suffolk

Kersey, Suffolk, is one of those picture postcard places. You see it on many Suffolk tourist posters, calendars and prints. It is often photographed, visited and praised for its idyllic lowland village setting.

The south side of the parish church at Kersey in May 2017

Friday, 12 May 2017

Ciutadella, Menorca, May 2017

I love the charm and the ambience of Old Ciutadella. I first fell in love with this ancient capital of the island in the 1970s. I arrived in a small Seat driven by my father and enjoyed wandering around the ancient quarter of the city, by the harbour and the cathedral precincts.

When I arrived in early May by public transport I was disappointed that my wife's first impression was not good. The final bus stop, at the "bus station", was an eyesore, in arguably the ugliest part of town. What a dump! The bus, number 65, stopped by really scruffy wasteland and a ramshackle building opposite urban ugliness. The toilet was in a disgusting state.

I was glad that my wife soon realized that Ciutadella was well worth visiting. The architecture is magnificent. The old, narrow streets have so much atmosphere, history and culture. It is a joy to walk down these shaded streets on a hot sunny day, during siesta time or any time.  My wife does not like the heat so she normally seeks the shade. She is not a mad dog or an English woman, so she avoids the midday sun!